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Sale medical diagnostic equipment Medbioteh « Back
  • Price:
    15,000 USD.
  • Contact Person:
  • Region:
    Kyiv region
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  • Contacts:
    (067) 942-26-29
  • Contacts:
    (066) 304-24-56
Medbioteh selling diagnostic equipment.Diagnostics by Voll.The complex is designed in the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Astronautics.Selling medical diagnostic system "Medbioteh ".
Allows you to comprehensively assess the health of a person by means of resonant elektroakkupunkturnoy and nosological diagnosis.Has no contraindications and age restrictions
Used for about a year.In excellent condition
More information here / medbiotech.html
Complex "Medbioteh»
Medical diagnostic complex "Medbioteh" - a synthesis of the latest achievements in the field of bio-resonance therapy and electro-puncture diagnosis with additional developments NMBTS "Diamed" Company "Tehinproekt."
«Medbioteh" allows you to:
1.Run diagnostics on all systems as a whole and separately for each body, using three methods: elektroakkupunktury; amplitude-frequency resonance; nosological diagnosis.
3.Carry out their individual selection of drugs and determine their impact without the introduction into the body on the basis of bio-resonance method
4.Testing of allergens bioresonance method (pollen, household, bacterial, drug names -78)
5.Bioresonant testing parasitic infections, viruses, tests micronutrient, hormone.
6.Select the most appropriate for the patient with the formation of food diets;
7.Generate individual therapeutic effect microvacuum, laser, microwave therapy and electro with the calculation of dosages under computer control.
21 november 2013
12,000 USD.
27 may 2013
2417 UAH.
27 may 2013
1050 UAH.
27 may 2013
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