Annushka Health Care

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  • Ukraine
  • Kiev
  • tel.: (097) 035-60-60
The network of pharmacies "Annushka Health Kea" is an actively developing pharmacy chain, has more than 30 pharmacies in Ukraine. We provide a wide range of drugs, medical products, quality service, convenient ordering on the website, through the application or by phone. You have the opportunity to save time searching for the necessary drugs. Our pharmacies also have a system of discounts, promotions and gifts. Follow our updates :)
The network of pharmacies "Annushka, Health Kea" presents to your attention our new mobile application "Annushka"!
This is a new step in the world of pharmacy applications and websites. We keep up with the times and take into account all the needs of our customers.
Thus, in our application you can not only find the necessary drug in the nearest pharmacy, but also set your schedule for taking medication and we will remind you when it will be necessary to take it. Now there is no need at the end of the day to remember: "Did I take medicine today?" Going into the application, you just make sure that today you have become a bit healthier.
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